Buying a home is not something you do lightly.
It is a big deal…. literally and emotionally!
If you are doing it for the first time, you don’t have the benefit of having your past experience to draw from. If you have done it previously, you have some idea of what can go wrong, and just how important it is to be careful and smart in making decisions about your next home.
Either way, you have potential stress that can cause you to put off doing something you need and want to do.
Given that stress, it is understandable that some home buyers start to think that “If I only wait for the perfect time to make this move, I know the stress will go away.”
But that is actually Mistake Number 3….assuming there is a perfect time to buy.
To be sure, there may be a better time for your home buy, but there will never be a perfect time. The dynamics of the housing market are always in motion, and nearly all conditions are a mix of some positives and some negatives.
The bigger issue is not the market dynamics, but your personal situation. No matter how much due diligence you have done, there is always more that could be done. The point is: do a reasonable amount of good preparation, engage the services of a real estate agent you can trust, and work the process carefully until you find the right home, then make your move!
In a market that is more seller favorable, you may make a few offers in competition with other buyers, and it may take a few swings at bat before you hit a home run. No problem! If you are working with a well-seasoned and highly skilled agent, you will get your home in due time, and maybe even the first time.
Don’t let the “perfect time” mistake hold you back. And if you would like a quick response to any questions or concerns about where to start, please know that you can contact me anytime. By the way, we don’t do anything even remotely resembling “high pressure,” so you can call and chat without any fear of getting a “sales pitch.”
My team and I are here for you, and we’d love to answer any questions you have about your personal needs and goals. Let us know how we can help.
PS – To take a look at what is currently FOR SALE, click on any of the communities listed on the right or use our search tool. And if you have any questions about any particular property, just call or email and we’ll get right back to you.